About Us
What’s our goal? Create groundbreaking film’s that uncover the corruption in the electric grid, share the stories to address the corruption, and connect people in the growing movement for energy democracy.
What is Energy Democracy? Energy Democracy is a vision for increased public input, accountability, and an electric grid shaped by voters, not by shareholders. Across the country, public power and the fight for public power has lowered electric bills, reduced outages, and reduced harmful cancer-causing emissions that harm our people and our planet.
Much like waste collection and water supply, electricity is vital to our survival - yet in most parts of the country, we the people are forced to pay for a system we have no choice over. Its time to end rate payments without representation
Our Leadership
Building a movement takes all of us - if you’re interested in joining our team, or have questions - please submit the form on our engagement page and an EDCO team member will reach out!